窓口時間:平日9:00~17:30 / 休日:土・日・祭日、年末年始


Progress on site and interesting scenery

thank you


This is the first time I've received a certificate of commendation from the architectural design firm that I work with.

In recent years, I feel that there are too many buildings with conspicuous decorations and excessive lighting. The photo below is of an apartment building, and I think that there are many buildings, mainly new constructions, that are brighter than necessary, whether they want to stand out or to comply with the average illuminance value. As someone...

The lighting up of Kashiwagi Building was featured in the catalogue of LED lighting manufacturer FKK.

This is my first time visiting the Rokkasho Village site in Aomori Prefecture for a meeting and site inspection. This time, there are some EL panel objects in some parts, and it is a large facility for a kindergarten.